
The insurance market registered a significant increase in Rio Grande do Sul in the first seven months of 2019. According to data released by the National Confederation of General Insurance, Private Pension and Life, Supplementary Health and Capitalization (CNSeg), growth was 7.8% over the same period last year.

The total revenue of the sector in Brazil was R $ 150.8 billion, higher than the R $ 135.4 billion of the same time last year, values ​​that take into consideration the health sector and DPVAT collection. In Rio Grande do Sul, the growth was approximately $ 700 million, rising from $ 9.6 billion in 2018 to $ 10.3 billion in 2019.

Life Insurance also records growth

Caburé Group’s main product, life insurance is one of the modalities that registered the highest in the survey released at the end of September. In Rio Grande do Sul alone, growth was 26.1%, totaling R $ 2.3 billion in assets. When we analyze the national data, we observed an increase of 15.9%, which means a collection of R $ 24.9 billion. These numbers show a maturing market and public awareness of the product.

Importance of Life Insurance

Auto insurance remains the most popular product in the industry in Brazil, but it remained stable compared to 2018. In contrast, life insurance exceeded the amount of auto insurance volume. According to CNSeg data, this proves that people have stopped holding a property that only depreciates over time and have chosen to protect the most important asset anyone can have: life.